Friday, April 27, 2007

Prayer Requests

Hey guys,
Here are some ways you can be praying for me right now in regards to CTI.
1) Health. At this point if I get injured seriously or very sick I might not be able to go. So pray that I can stay healthy for the next few months.
2) Team unity. We will be finding out our teams shortly and we need to start preparing soon to live and work together for over a month.
3) Focus on School. I need to be able to focus on school work to finish out these last 3 weeks of the semester strong. It is easy to focus on the future beyond that last final.
4) Sinapore, Honduras, and St. Vincent/The Grenadines. That the Youth With a Mission (YWAM) and Youth for Christ workers would be prepared, be able to use us effectively, that the people would be open to our mission, etc.
5) That I would be excited abotu wherever I go (wether or not it's in the bahamas).
Thanks for your prayers!

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