Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Greetings again from the College of William & Mary! Thank you for all your support up to this point! There is no way that I would be able to work with CTI this summer without your help. I currently have an over abundance of funds! My required goal was $3750 and I have now received over $4300! Thanks! That is a tribute both to your generosity and God’s provision. But it is not just about the $$, your prayers are much appreciated as well.
I wanted to find a way to keep people in the loop while I found out those little bits of information (that people find so interesting) so I have created an online blog at www.CTIsoundguy.blogspot.com. I will try to post somewhat frequently to this blog to let people know my thoughts/feeling/new information as well as prayer requests leading up to the start of training. I do not think that I will be allowed to continue during training, as the rules are correctly strict about our lines of communication during training and our tour. E-mail and phone usage will be restricted to 15 min a day during training, and 0 min per day once we hit the ground. This is to ensure we work on building relationships with those around us and bond as a team, which will be crucial for all of our work to go correctly; “a cord of three strands” and all that fun stuff.
Now to the part that has delayed this letter being sent out… where is Ed going this summer? I received the call last night to let me know that I will be headed to Honduras for the summer. I am to arrive at training on June 5th (less then a month away). The team departs for Honduras on June 18th. One month later we reenter the states on July 17th. By July 18th/19th I am released from their hands to figure out what the last whirlwind of a month was like. Again, I am told to expect 1 to 3 shows PER DAY to set up and tear down. This will be quite the workload. To see what some of the concerts will look like go to the CTI home page (www.ctimusic.org) and check out the videos.
I am aware that the music choice is not viewed as “good” to some who are supporting me. I thank you for supporting me anyways. I myself had to sign a document saying I would support the music that was deemed appropriate by my leaders and the churches that we would be working with. I know God can use anything to bring glory to Himself. This choice of American rock music is chosen because this is the music that the younger generation of the world listens to. If you go to any country we will be in, you will hear lots of American rock.
Some prayers:
• Safety in travel and strength to continue the work we have started.
• Local workers having the energy needed to reach out to those we draw in.
• Revival in the 6 countries where teams are headed (Honduras, Singapore, St. Vincent, Guatemala, Mexico, and Taiwan).
• Team unity and bonding.
• That God would be glorified.
Peace and Grace to you,

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