Saturday, June 2, 2007

It's finally really hitting me...

So my bags are more or less packed (one totally packed, one just awaiting the clothes I am ironing). What's left on my to do list is aquire a few street addresses, cut my hair, and charge my iPod. That's it. About 30 min ago I started getting either really hungry, or really excited about the trip. I think it's actually a bit of both. On that note, I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep tonight. In about 36 hours I will be touching down in MN. Some of the team is already headed out driving. In a few short days we'll be at training, living with a different family for 2 weeks, interacting with people I haven't met before. It's gonna be crazy! Some prayer requests for the next few days:

1) Safety in travel (Still a BIG one)
2) Team bonding/unity (We don't get long to get to know one another)
3) Open hearts for the kids we will be reaching out to (Possibly THOUSANDS)
4) Strength and willingness to help from the Youth with a mission/Youth for Christ staff in Honduras (Without them, there would be no follow up for these kids)
5) Strength for our team leaders (Willie and Julia) and good leadership skills
6) Good health for all involved (We're all taking malaria pills, but plenty of diseases and injuries could take someone down)
7) That we would grow together as a team, grow in maturity, and grow spiritually from the next 6 weeks
8) Praise for all of the host families who have opened their doors to untold numbers of us (6 teams, our team has 13, plus the full time teams there now... 70ish?)
9) For musical ability (We are all gifted, and those gifts come from God, so that he would grant us the ability and the opportunity to reach these kids)
10) That this time would help me know if I want to sign on to do this for at least 1 full year after college, or if I should set my sights elsewhere (Avant in Spain)

At this point, your prayers are some of the best things you can give me and Team Honduras. I may still post again before leaving, but if not let me say that this trip is not without risk, however I leave knowing that whatever happens will bring Glory to God, wether it's 1 person coming to know him, 1000 people in a single day, or someone getting drastically ill. I'd love for it to be the 2nd, but it's not up to me.
Peace to you all,


Anonymous said...

I guess I'm getting excited, too. Do you have a list of stuff you mustn't forget to pack? (Tooth brush, Bible, ear plugs...)

You will continue in my prayers and love, P

Edward Baumann said...

That list is already packed as well. I don't THINK I am forgetting anything, but at this point I can always make a quick run to Target or Walmart when I'm there. As long as I don't forget myself, we're good...