Thursday, July 19, 2007

Back in the US of A

Hey Guys,
While I am not as extremely overjoyed to be out of Honduras like a lot of my team, it is good to be back where we have real orange juice (that tang stuff almost killed me). Reports and such will come in time, I do not have much access to internet and need to figure out who gets what reports. My body is not 100%, I have yet to see how much weight I lost, and I am beat. But I look forward to talking to you all.


Josh said...

Ed! Good to see you alive and still kickin. Sorry you folks had to miss the final doubt you guys had some extravagant show to put on...hahah. Keep in real in Christ bro, if you ever come down to Tech we'll be sure to get a game of frisbee going. peace!

(oop, this is Josh btw...)

Anonymous said...

Huzzah for being back in the states! I know that God worked in big ways in Honduras and in you and I can't wait to hear about it. Lemme know when your back in the Burg.