Saturday, July 28, 2007


How do I sum up these 6 weeks in a short letter/post? It takes me over 3 hours to talk through just my pictures and videos (all 1948 of them). How do I explain all I have seen and done without being able to include so many pictures? Let me start by saying THANK YOU. This remarkable experience would not have been possible without you. Your financial support and/or prayers are what helped to make this trip as great as it was.
Let me start with some numbers. We played 50 concerts over 27 days of concerts, plus 3 days of travel. Our largest single crowd was about 1000 kida from a HS and our smallest was somewhere around 10. I climbed a 15-20 ft waterfall straight up a tree root. On the last day I traveled about 60 mph in the back of a pickup holding our equipment in with my body weight.
The physical beauty of the country and the hospitality of the people astonished me. If you get a chance, visit Honduras. You will love it. The mountains are a lush mix of normal forest (pines, squirells, deer) and jungle (ferns, lemurs, monkies). Every day I was amazed by God's creation. He really did do an amazing job.
Through both miracles and our day to day life God showed me how to grow deeper in prayer and my trust for Him. When I say miracles I mean things I have no physical explanation for. Equipment weighing different things as we check in, running out of gas in a school bus on a mountain and coasting right up TO the pump at a gas station over a mile away, or electrical circuits that seem to magically gain and lose power.
I will close with one story from the trip. We were to play at a university one night. As we rolled up in the bus it was raining pretty hard. Our contact from the school jumped in and asked if we were ready to set up. I explained the equipment could not go outside. He said we should pray about it. After praying he made a comment about faith including actions, and we should set up to show we will be faithful. Again I explained the equipment could NOT go out unless the rain lessened quite a bit. As we walked around outside the bus to look around, the rain slowed enough to get the equipment out. Then it stopped so we could set up. It misted once or twice more, but nothing that worried me. Afterwards we tore down and then met Dorian. Dorian was this large man we saw after the concert, standing where we had done the concert, utterly weeping. He dad had recently died, he had a bad hernia, his family was far away in Nicaragua, and he couldn't find work. His tears were because he realized how far he had fallen away from God; how much he wanted God in his life again. He gave his life to God again during a very moving time of prayer. Even if he was the only person we reached on the trip, it would have been worth it.
PLEASE contact me to hear more stories/answer questions/ask for photos. (please also identify who you are when you do I get a lot of spam).
Peace, grace, and love to you all,
Psalm 84


Josh said...

I want to hear more stories.
-Josh D

Anonymous said...

Glad I had the full report, but this is a good update that gets the sense of your trip.

Amy comes today! And will be here till Saturday. But maybe next week we can work something out?

Love, P