Saturday, December 22, 2007


Greetings once again from the College of William & Mary! You may remember my previous letters about a trip this past summer to Honduras with a group called CTI Music Ministries. That month in Honduras was an amazing time. We played concerts for crowds ranging in size from 10 people to over 1000 people. 50 concerts over 27 days of playing. Thanks to some strikes in the country, the police even shut down the roads so we missed our flight home! It was an incredible time. During that time I decided to pursue a full year’s commitment to CTI. I have been accepted for August 2008 until August 2009.

The Full Time commitment is just as busy as the summer team one. I will be joining a music team for a year and performing/sharing our faith in schools, colleges, prisons, youth homes, churches, drug rehab centers, etc. We will also get another chance to go abroad. We get to travel in a van with out gear in a trailer, setting up and performing in front of new people every day. Personal space/freedom will be limited, as you can imagine. Yet I know that this will be another great time of growth and fun.

What is the cost? Besides my personal space, there is a cost associated with this trip. I have to raise both monetary and prayer support. The bottom line is only about double what I needed for the summer month. I need to raise $7,200 for expenses and I am able to raise an additional $250 per month to act as a “salary” (which will be helpful for paying off student loans!). The prayer support is just as important to me having seen things in Honduras that only God could have done. It is guaranteed that problems will arise over the year that the entire team needs healing for.

Interested in supporting my ministry? I am looking for people who can commit to praying and helping to finance my year with CTI. There is a card enclosed with this letter with some check boxes on it. Prayer is at the top of the list for a reason, I consider it the most important aspect of my support. (Matthew 19:26 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”) If you can support me once, or with a monthly gift towards the “salary” I am trying to raise, you can send that in with the card. I have included an envelope with the letters EB on the lower left corner. This indicates that anything you send in will be ear marked for me. You can also donate online at On the left side of the page click on “donate.” From there you can either give a one-time contribution, or a monthly contribution. Under the additional information part of the donate page, you can enter my name (Edward Baumann) to have your contribution support my role in this ministry. All donations are tax deductible and non-refundable, as CTI is a non-profit organization.

I know that you may not be in a position to support me right now, if you would prefer to not hear about this in the future, check that box on the card, or let me know via email ( and you will be removed from my list. If you cannot support me right now, but want to stay in the loop about what I am up to, let me know that as well. I will not have time to send out regular letters, but through the miracle of the internet I will be posting via when I have news to share. There will (hopefully) be pictures, videos, and stories from the road once August rolls around. Until then it will be updated once or twice a month.

Peace and grace to you,

P.S. A timely response is much appreciated, but not required. I will be raising support for the next few months and am confident that the Lord will provide for all my needs.

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